Thursday, December 3, 2009

Relationship chat

katidid714: “in a relationship with Jason Blatt???” like, Ira’s brother Jason Blatt?
babblingbrook: it’s a kinda long story….
katidid714: omg. I have to know EVERYTHING.
katidid714: when did this start? what’s he like? when do I meet him? how’s Ira feel about this? tell me tell me!
babblingbrook: I’m not telling you EVERYTHING online. my fingers would probably cramp up. and I’m not answering all those questions at once. choose 1.
katidid714: when do I get to meet him?
babblingbrook: ru free Monday around lunch time? we’re meeting somewhere around the U for lunch, and ur welcome to join us.
katidid714: is he a college stu?
babblingbrook: no, graduated 2 years ago. lives in the area. works construction
katidid714: Ira – our Ira – has a bro who works construction?
babblingbrook: I&J have like, nothing in common. besides being good people. But 2 answer another of your questions, Ira is pretty not happy.
katidid714: drama?
babblingbrook: not quite drama, but maybe. we haven’t talked much since Thanksgiving.
katidid714: omg, have you been dating jason since THANKSGIVING? and not telling me?
katidid714: but srsly brook, didn’t you just meet him on thanksgiving too?
babblingbrook: yeah. it was fast. we just clicked, u know?
katidid714: crazy weird. & he’s cute?
babblingbrook: gorgeous. he doesn’t nec look it with a shirt on, but the boy’s got arms and a chest like wow. does a lot of heavy lifting at work all the time.
katidid714: does he have a brain to go with that muscle? or is he good enough not to need 1?
babblingbrook: o, he’s got smarts. not always interested in the same things I am, but he majored in geology & when he gets onto natural earth science stuff it’s hard to get him to shut up.
babblingbrook: he practically gets like a little boy when he starts on about layers of rock and what we can learn about prehistory from colors or minerals or what have you.
babblingbrook: his favorite dessert is baklava bec it reminds him of mica.
katidid714: SO CUTE.
babblingbrook: I know, right?
katidid714: :-D not him, you. ur totally crushing.
babblingbrook: well, if I am it’s because Jason is *awesome.*
katidid714: and things are awkward with Ira?
babblingbrook: grumble.
babblingbrook: I figure he just needs time. That’s what Jason thinks 2, and since he knows Ira better than I do I’m happy to go with it.
babblingbrook: I’m trying to keep communication open, but he’s not ready to talk yet. soon, I hope.
katidid714: want me to put in a good word?
babblingbrook: thx. not yet, but maybe in a couple weeks. when he’s not so mad any more.
katidid714: so is jason a good kisser?
babblingbrook: enough already! you have a telephone. call me if you want details.

(Onward to Chelsea.)