Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Inbox: Plans for vacation

From: softstone@umn.edu
To: Brook Haupenstaat, forwarded from fairyqueen1111@hotmail.com

Subject: Plans for vacation

Hi Titania,

Wow, you have been to a lot of places! I’ve been out of the country a few times, mostly to visit friends and throw in some tourism on the side. I’m a little jealous that you’ve been to Manchu Picchu—it’s one of my top spots I’ve got to visit someday.

Don’t make any jokes about leaving it the way I find it when I do go, k? I had a terrible time with friends constantly teasing about that the last time I was in DC. I know it’s all in good fun, but the idea of vandalizing some of earth’s treasures just because they’re made of stone and I CAN is an upsetting idea.

(Shut up, Softstone. Don’t freak out the cute girl who seems to enjoy your company almost as much as you enjoy hers.)

Sorry. I guess I’m sort of drawn to stone monuments, tho. Makes sense, right? ;-) I thought Stonehenge was really, truly awesome, and I would love to see the Great Wall, if the NSC ever lifts its travel restrictions to China. Have you ever been there?

Sorry to hear that you’ll be alone for Thanksgiving. That’s no fun, but knowing you I’m sure that if you want to have plans then someone will invite you over. You must have a lot of friends watching out for you, right? And if you don’t go looking for plans, I’ll bet you’ll enjoy the quiet time!

Me, I’m heading out of town—weekend at home with the fam. The supes at the U all sat together and made a master schedule at the beginning of the year, and I figured I’d rather work Christmas break than Thanksgiving. So, I’m gone next weekend, but if you’re still putting up with me a month from now we can hang out together thru the new year.

That is, unless you’ve got plans to go to Thailand or the moon or some other exotic place.


(There's more to read in Brook's inbox.)