Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Status: Public

I think I’m going to die some time between now and Halloween. I’ll just crash and sleep for 3 weeks straight. I’m already feeling this incredible strain, and things are only starting to get crazy.

My internship’s been upped to 20 hours a week. 20! On top of full time classes, not to mention costume design, homework, and keeping the house in order while Mom’s away—as usual—for work.

At first I thought it was a short-term thing, just this week, while Darcy’s trying to get everything fixed up and back to normal from the attack. She’s been really stressed out and angry about that (who wouldn’t be), but she’s also trying to be a strong leader to the employees and really perky and positive with the shareholders. It’s amazing how many different masks she can wear, depending on who’s talking to her. I’d love to learn that skill while I’m here working for her.

Anyway, so this afternoon I came in for a few extra hours, and you won’t believe what she told me. Darcy and her fiancé are pushing up the wedding. It was going to be the week after Xmas, but they’ve moved it to 3 weeks from now. Seriously, 3 weeks. To November 1st. So, everything has be rescheduled—the caterers, the venue, the dress needs to be done extra fast, all the invitees have to be informed—God, I don’t even want to think about everything that has to go into the rearranging, but I’m pretty sure that most of it’s going to be my job.

And of course Darcy was running around like crazy. She barely had time to tell me what was happening, before she threw me a few assignments and left me with my cell phone in a corner of her office. She’s all upset about the whole thing—for this, it wasn’t hard to figure out how she felt. Apparently her parents are really sick (or maybe it was his parents, I didn’t quite catch that part) and it isn’t clear that they’re going to make it to the wedding day.

I’m being selfish, aren’t I? Thinking about what this means to me when Darcy’s dealing with all of this. It’s not fair that she has to get attacked by rogue supers at the same time as this personal stuff, not to mention her regular more-than-full-time job.

It’s just that I’ve been so tired lately. Sunday night I went to bed at 8:30 and I still felt dead when my alarm went off at 6:00. I’m nodding off during classes, and even 6 or 7 cups of coffee aren’t enough to make me stop dragging my feet. I wonder if it’s mono. It might be—Chelsea’s been having the same problem all week. If you’re more awake than us it might be funny to come to our house and watch the two of us walking into walls. It’s pretty pathetic.

Whatever we’ve got, I hope we both get over it soon.

(Continue to the juicier news.)