Sunday, October 11, 2009

Don’t know how much of this I can take!

Status: Public

Chelsea, if you’re reading this, you are in trouble. Like, I’m telling Mom trouble. Just you see.

Everyone else, I would like to announce that my sister is a brat. Absolute, spoiled, self-involved brat. First she has this big personal secret that she could have told and it would have been ok, but no—she has to keep it to herself even when it’s wrecking her life and killing her grades and really if things don’t improve soon she can kiss her Yale dreams goodbye. Just saying.

But then—but then!!!—she goes off to you-know-who’s house for a “sleepover” (oh, does it ever get quote marks) on Friday night. Then Saturday—no calls. No contact. 800 at night and I haven’t heard a peep from her. So I call Deena’s parents and they’re like, oh, C&D went to the cabin for the weekend. Thanks, Chelsea. Great. Lie to the only person who likes you anymore. Fine.

gdhuehuiergfgdglkflsda;wo49!!!!!!! (That was me smashing my head against the keyboard, btw.)

In other news, it turns out I don’t have mono. The tests came back negative from the doctor’s office. He suggested I should come back in and bleed for him some more, because he doesn’t have a clue why I barely have the energy to fall out of bed in the morning anymore. Gah—I don’t have time to go to the doctor’s office again! There’s so much to do!


(Continue toward the end....)