Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Outbox: Girl night!

From: Brook Haupenstaat
To: Chelsea Haupenstaat; Deena Markowitz

Subject: Girl night!

Hey girls,

I’m really excited about the girl time sleepover this Friday! I know this past month has been crazy (or crazier than crazy) for all of us, and it’ll be great to check in and hang out.

I have 2 things I want to mention—1 sort of silly, and the other more serious. Silly first, of course. ;-) You guys need costumes. I know this hasn’t come up or anything, but I’ve been checking out the latest super fashions and I have some sketches I’d like to show you. I’ll pull them out on Friday, and you can tell me what you like and don’t like about them. Then I’ll start putting together a couple prototypes.

The second thing also has to do with superpowers. I’ve been thinking about your whole unusual situation, about how you are technically supers but at the same time you didn’t just stumble into your powers—you’re a part of a big lineage that’s been using superpowers without destroying the world for thousands of years. I respect that, and I don’t think of you as rogues or anything. Still, I have some concerns, and I’m worried that in the long run you could get in serious trouble for not being registered with the NSC.

I want to talk to you about this in person, to give you my thoughts face to face. Still, I didn’t want to just drop this idea on you out of the blue this Friday. So, between now and then I’d like you to think about it, maybe put together your own pro/con lists of reasons why you would or wouldn’t want to register. Because it’s your decision obviously, but I want to make sure you’ve looked at all the angles.

That’s it for now. This Friday’s gonna rock!


(The party advances.)