Saturday, September 12, 2009

And the winner is….

Status: Public

Can I tell you how freaking awesome my internship is? Thursday was my first full day that wasn’t orientation, and Darcy—my boss—took me out to lunch at this totally posh French place. I think I’m high from fresh steamed mussels and the best soup à l’oniogn this side of the Mississippi.

Lunch was very casual—very girls’ time, cuz she thought we should get to know each other. She is—wow. I don’t know how one person can do all the stuff she does. She’s the senior VP and her parents own ReginaPro, but they’re practically retired so she makes all the big decisions even though she can’t be a day over thirty. (I don’t really know how old she is—lunch wasn’t that casual!) The company has been taking off in the last couple years, since she got in charge, and she handles everything so gracefully. (So there was a little bit of ugliness when the cook messed up her order, but you just have to look at her to know she has really high standards.) She also just moved to the Minneapolis branch, so she’s still getting to know the area.

Besides being in charge of RP she’s also planning a wedding in December—obviously a huge, high-society thing with a red-carpet guest list—and she’s such a perfectionist that she’s doing the planning herself. I wonder if she ever sleeps.

Darcy was really interested in Dad’s trip to Antarctica, and I’m glad I paid attention to what he said about it because I sure would have felt stupid if I didn’t know the answers to any of her questions. Even with my paying attention there were still plenty of things she wanted to know about that I couldn’t answer—like exactly where they were digging, and how big the biggest glowstones were, or why they stopped and left. (That was funny, because she didn’t act like it was all that weird that they lost interest and just left the site, but she was really curious what reason they gave for leaving afterward. Confusing.)

We were having such a great talk that I momentarily lost all sanity and told her about my birthday present from Dad. (For those I haven’t told—he sent me a glowstone necklace, but with the glowstone dyed pink to get past, you know, international law.) I wished I could take it back at first, but Darcy was really really interested, and asked me all about it. She said she knew an underground collector, and she’s super curious about glowstone science, so could I bring it in some time and let her take it to get looked at? She said she was fascinated with the new Antarctic quarry, and let’s just say it was pretty obvious that this would be a great way to earn serious brownie points. So I’ll bring it in on Monday when I go. I haven’t worn it since I got it because I’m a very mild sensitive and after a while it gives me a quiet ringing in my ears—annoying and sort of creepy. But! I get to show it off!


iRant: Mild sensitive, huh? You do know that there’s a correlation between sensitives and supers, right?

babblingbrook: Unproven anecdotal correlation. And I hardly think there are any mild supers in my family.

iRant: You should read the latest issue of Super America, Brook. There’s an article from an anonymous member of the NSC who analyzed classified documents to prove the link. Since most supers opt for ID protection, regular academic channels have no way to accurately judge the proportions of supers to sensitives within families, but the link is very real.
katidid714: Wow, Ira—Super America? I hadn’t realized that you were a Supe fanboy.

iRant: I read it for a class. And it’s a useful piece of info for annoying Brook.

babblingbrook: So maybe I’m not really a mild sensitive. Mom’s probably right—it’s all in my head. I’ll have to talk myself out of it—esp. if Darcy likes the necklace. I’ll want to start wearing it, then.

katidid714: Do you and Darcy need to get a room?

babblingbrook: We have one. Her fabulous office overlooking all of South Minneapolis. Jealous?

(Continue to status updates.)