Thursday, September 17, 2009

Creeps in capes

Status: Public

Sorry about dropping off the face of the earth for a few days there. It’ll probably only get worse as this year goes on. Le sigh….

But you have got to hear about what happened yesterday night. I was leaving the theatre building pretty late, going to grab some coffee and check in with Ira (Ira, you stood me up!). And so maybe I was txting when I was crossing the street, but the pedestrian always has the right of way. The road was still kind of wet from the rain earlier.

I’m crossing the street, and this car didn’t see me and it’s screeching its brakes, and it’s not gonna stop in time, and this is sort of embarrassing but my mind just goes blank, like I can’t even think to get out of the way. (I guess that’s where the whole “deer in the headlights” thing comes from, right?)

Now I feel like an idiot thinking back, but the car was coming and I jump—not to the side, like a thinking person would do, but up into the air. But then something grabs me from behind, and the next thing I know I’m like twenty feet off the ground, all wrapped up in the arms of this guy in a mask.

Yeah, a supe. First I’m terrified, then I’m relieved and confused, and then he’s asking if I’m okay and I’m angry because he’s still holding me, like after the car’s driven away and everything’s fine. So I tell him to let me go and he does and he’s still asking me if I’m okay and I say yes just to shut him up.

He seems okay looking, decent enough body under the spandex (I hope these guys have warm winter outfits, too), even though I can’t see much because he has this bandana thing that covers his hair and the top half of his face, cheekbones up. Cute lips, though. And I didn’t realize these guys wear the school colors. How nerdy is that?

Mr. I’m-a-cool-superhero goes into public service announcement mode, telling me about the dangers of not being aware of traffic when I cross the street. Really. I tell him I’ll remember next time but I’m late to meet a friend. Then he wants me to fill out some sort of form, like an opinion survey thing (who comes up with this stuff?) and tells me his name is Softstone.

(Worst. Super. Name. EVER. Just saying.)

By now I’m more than ready for him to vanish into a flash of light or something, but he goes on to ask me my name, like we’re having a conversation or something. I tell him that if he’s not going to tell me his real name then I’m sure not going to tell him mine, either. So he asks for a fake name he can use and—this is almost as embarrassing as not getting out of the way of the car—I say Titania because I’ve been designing her wardrobe all week in costume crew.

So this guy Softstone seems to think this is funny, and I think he thought I was flirting with him or something—which I so wasn’t—and he asks me about what I do and what school I’m in so I lie and then I say thanks for rescuing me and all but I’ve got to go hang out with some people who let others see their faces now.

While I’m leaving he calls out behind me, “If you need any more rescuing call the super hotline anytime, day or night! Be sure to ask for me—Softstone!”

Did he think that we were inside a comic book? Who talks like that? I just hope he felt at least half as embarrassed afterward as I did.


katidid714: Wow, you met Softstone? They say he’s the cutest of them all!

babblingbrook: Do “they” realize that he’s got a gold and maroon dewrag covering half his face?

katidid714: You should have flirted more. Asked for his number. Super hookups have got to be awesome!

babblingbrook: I wasn’t flirting. I was just trying to get the guy to leave me alone.

iRant: I think I’ll side with Katy. It sounds like you were flirting with Softstone. :-)

babblingbrook: You’re both fired.

iRant: You probably should fill out the form he gave you. The psychology dept is doing widespread studies on the effect of having the supers on campus, and they want as broad a view as possible. Plus, I heard there’s a friendly competition between all of the supers to see who can get the most positive reviews.

babblingbrook: What on earth makes you think I’m gonna give this guy a positive review?

iRant: It sounds like he saved your life, Brook.

babblingbrook: Details.

(Continue to Ira's email.)