Wednesday, September 23, 2009


katidid714: I want info on your status message.
babblingbrook: aren’t you in class right now?
katidid714: I’m taking notes on my computer. who was he? spill!
babblingbrook: I don’t feel proud admitting it, but I don’t actually know his name.
katidid714: OMG! you went to 1st base with a supe‼!
babblingbrook: shut up! no I didn’t.
babblingbrook: he’s just this guy I met at the bar.
katidid714: you mean the bar where you do your people-watching? I thought that was just innocent fun.
babblingbrook: generally, yeah! and this was pretty innocent really. and definitely fun.
katidid714: it’s not innocent if no names are exchanged.
babblingbrook: does it sound better if I say that he *does* know *my* name?
katidid714: I WANT DETAILS! c’mon Brook, start at the beginning. how did you meet? What does he look like?
babblingbrook: I was at the bar, sketching up some mock-ups for the fairy court, and I notice him sitting across the way because he’s wearing this shirt that’s halfway between formal dress and Renaissance/pirate shirt, but it kind of worked for him. and also, he was staring at me.
katidid714: figures, you notice the fashion first and *then* the creepy factor.
babblingbrook: it wasn’t creepy! or if it was I didn’t really notice, because omg his eyes!
katidid714: let me guess. 2 of them?
babblingbrook: ironic LOL. they were these deep, dark, amazing eyes…
katidid714: this is starting to sound like the erotic novels you make fun of me for reading.
babblingbrook: the same eyes that – hey, it wasn’t like that! (yet. ;-)) I was going to say that the only other person I’ve ever met with eyes that dark is Darcy, so I noticed them.
katidid714: ah, so cute guy reminds you of the boss you have a crush on. I get it. go on.
babblingbrook: god, you’re even worse about Darcy than Ira is about that idiot Soapstone. can you 2 just give it a rest?
katidid714: back to the story! dark, gorgeous eyes, pirate shirt. what else?
babblingbrook: dark skin, maybe a tan IDK, black hair a little on the longish side but not gross-long, v defined features, long lashes, pretty lips. Voice like liquid sex.
katidid714: how does that work?
babblingbrook: it just does. and it’s *fabulous.*
katidid714: does this TDH come talk to you, or do you approach him? (or do the two of you just make meaningful eye contact and run off to the alley together?)
babblingbrook: TDH?
katidid714: Tall Dark and Handsome.
babblingbrook: ah. he comes up to me. sits in the seat beside me and looks at my sketches. says something charming and clever.
katidid714: what?
babblingbrook: I can’t really remember. we talked. definitely flirted. he was really intense. we talked costumes, then accessories, then jewelry…
babblingbrook: then he leans over, like he’s going to kiss me, and my breath hitches, only it turns out that he’s trying to get a better look at the glowstone pendant I’m wearing.
katidid714: LOL! but so you are actually wearing it.
babblingbrook: Darcy really likes it (not 1 word!) and as a surprise she had her jeweler add a couple of little flecks of glowstone around the edges in a way that really sets off the original stone. we haven’t hung out in a while, have we? I’ll show it to you the next time we get together.
katidid714: so far, TDH is all like “ooh, your jewelry is sexy, and let’s talk about shoes and I’m dressed as a pirate.” You’re lucky class was dismissed 5 minutes ago. I’m giggling like a maniac.
babblingbrook: you wouldn’t be if you had met him. this guy was sex on a stick.
katidid714: THEN KEEP GOING!
babblingbrook: you’re the one who keeps stopping the story. your fault.
babblingbrook: He picks up the necklace, and while he’s holding it I start to feel tingles all the way to my toes. He looks at it and smirks and says that it looks like rose quartz but he doesn’t think it really is. I don’t want to admit to a total stranger that I’m wearing some serious contraband, but he just cups it in his hands and stares at it for a really long time. Then he kisses it and says that the necklace is beautiful but nothing compared to the person wearing it.
katidid714: ooh la la!
babblingbrook: He let the pendant fall out of his hands, running the chain along his fingers while it went, and his hand moved up until it was against my neck (soft & warm), and he pulled me closer to him, and we kissed.
katidid714: right there in front of everyone?
babblingbrook: just the one kiss. I would have been fine doing more just then, but he chuckled and put some money down on the counter for my coke and kind of angled his chin like he was saying let’s get out of here.
katidid714: he chuckled?
babblingbrook: Again, shut up. I thought he’d take me to the door to the street, but he took me back thru the hallway, past the employees only sign to a little dark alcove, and he put his fingers under my chin and then he pressed his lips against mine—I know that sounds more like, yeah, your bodice-rippers than real life, but it felt that way too. So we kissed and I’ve never felt more like I’m going to start flying from a kiss than I did then. In. tense.
katidid714: wow. And then you didn’t get his number, or even his name?
babblingbrook: after a few minutes he took my hand and kissed my palm and said something and then he left before I could even remember to stop him.
babblingbrook: my mind was jelly.
katidid714: do you at least remember what he said?
babblingbrook: That part was weird.
katidid714: the rest wasn’t?
babblingbrook: he said something like, “what a clever little contrivance.” and then something about someone being creative. I don’t think he was talking to me, tho.
katidid714: … you do realize that TDH is also BSC, right?
babblingbrook: what, bat-sht crazy?
katidid714: good job.
babblingbrook: if that’s what crazy looks like, then send me to an asylum.
katidid714: I just might, if you do much more like this.
babblingbrook: ur sure a good friend, KT.
katidid714: Sorry, sorry. Listen, I’m late for my next class. (This was worth being late for!) let’s catch up really soon, k?
babblingbrook: Sure. give me a call.

(Continue with an update on Chelsea.)