Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Internship of champions

Status: Friends only

Because so many of you got some sort of screaming, squealing contact from me yesterday, it’s about time I give you more information.

Some time this past year, ReginaPro Marketing (they did the “If cookies ruled the world” commercials, and the “Minnesota good” campaign downtown) asked the U if they would be able to supply about a dozen high-quality interns to work about 10-15 hours a week this school year. I applied and got one of the positions, but then last week I heard from HR that I was one of three interns being considered as a personal assistant to Darcy Ages, the senior VP.

Mom told me that I should write to Ms Ages right away to tell her why I was the best choice for the job, and then right before LDW I was scrambling to schedule a physical and request a background check because her standards are high. There were questions like my great grandparents’ full names and Mom’s last five jobs (she could hardly remember what she was doing before she started working for Granddad at Haupenstaat Financial), not to mention they took like five vials of blood and made me run on a treadmill so they could listen to my active heart rate. (Seriously, what is she expecting me to do for her? Snorkel into Burma and run an ad campaign for the opposition government?)

I’m still not sure what the job will look like, and there’s a good chance I’ll just be getting her coffee and learning by osmosis, but even that would be really cool.

I only saw Ms Ages for a few seconds during the general orientation yesterday, though she did pull me aside and congratulate me on getting the job as her assistant. She’s beautiful and elegant and seems—not exactly nice, but really professional.

I’ll do my best to keep up with posting and hanging out, but if I do drop off the face of the planet in the next few months it’s nothing personal—I’ll just be going crazy with work and school.

(Continue to the thank you note.)